FotobusBus Transport

Romania, Karsan Jest # 94

  RomaniaOradea Transport Local S.A.94BH 12 HLD05.2015

  May 2015    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
94 AR 01 XKL Ikarus 280.03 CTP Arad
94 ZiL-158V STB (general) 1967
94 Ikarus-Zemun IK-4 STB (general) 1979
94 MS 06 EHF MAN 593 SG240H Transport Local 297 1984
94 BH 39 RAT Rocar U312 OTL Oradea 33535 1996
94 MS 06 TLM Mercedes-Benz O405GN2 Transport Local 91027 1998
94 DJ 06 XFF TEMSA Prestij RAT Craiova 44535 2001
94 BV 18 VHJ Hess CO-BOLT 2 Servicii Săcelene 7678-18 2002