Норвегия, Vest Liner 320 № 99
  Норвегия Vest Liner 320 № 99 
Литва, Šiauliai, Tilžės gatvė

Автор: Kimster · Литва           Дата: 9 грудня 2013 р., понеділок


Опубліковано 13.12.2013 22:26 MSK
Переглядів — 354

Детальна інформація

Параметры съёмки

Модель камеры:KODAK EASYSHARE Z1012 IS Digital Camera
Имя автора:Picasa
Время съёмки:09.12.2013 11:45
Выдержка:1/640 с
Диафрагменное число:3.2
Чувствительность ISO:100
Фокусное расстояние:16.2 мм
Показать весь EXIF

Коментарі · 4

15.12.2013 03:37 MSK
bergenga · Норвегия
Фото: 348
Ah, good old #169/#99. :) I would guess that they were on their way with gifts to an orphanage somewhere in eastern Europe. They will probably also donate (or sell) the bus somewhere there too, as this one is technically too old to be used in their traffic and since they have removed all logos, except the name on the destination roll. The bus is still registered in Norway, which means that they have not come back to Norway with the licence plates yet. (In Norway you have to physically hand in the plates to the registration authority or the police to get the vehicle out of the system and stop paying taxes for it.)
15.12.2013 17:24 MSK
Kimster · Литва
Фото: 7688
Exactly, bus was full stuff.
22.03.2014 20:29 MSK
bergenga · Норвегия
Фото: 348
HAA 691
Pasvalio AP? :-)
26.05.2014 00:53 MSK
sSnaiperis · Литва
Фото: 1832 · Переклад інтерфейсу (LT)
Yes, of course :)
Now in Pasvalio AP

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