Литва, Säffle 8500LE № GHA 826
  Литва Säffle 8500LE № GHA 826  —  маршрут 27
Литва, Klaipėda, Taikos prospektas

Автор: STS · Берлин           Дата: 25 мая 2014 г., воскресенье


Опубликовано 26.05.2014 16:53 MSK
Просмотров — 630

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Модель камеры:Canon EOS 100D
Имя автора:STS
Авторские права:Fotobus.msk.ru
Время съёмки:25.05.2014 14:32
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Чувствительность ISO:400
Фокусное расстояние:105 мм
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Комментарии · 10

27.05.2014 01:33 MSK
bergenga · Норвегия
Фото: 348
This one must be borrowing the number plates, because the real GHA 826 (KH 12811, Nettbuss Drammen #25069) was blue when it left Norway. No buses in Drammen were painted red after 01.01.2000, when DOB was taken over by NSB/Nettbuss. This is most likely AR 88904 (YV3R6G7193A006134), or AR 88905 (YV3R6G7103A006135), both from BorgBuss AS, another company owned by Nettbuss.
27.05.2014 03:22 MSK
STS · Берлин
Фото: 6976
This bus was painted in red already in Klaipeda.
27.05.2014 09:14 MSK
bergenga · Норвегия
Фото: 348
Are you saying that it was painted red just a year ago? Because the paint surely looks older than that. Or was it mixed up when/before it arrived in Lithuania? Because this does not look like the bus that has the VIN registered to GHA 826. Here it is back in 2011: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/i6xpbDkW-ush0MCt9Rp7M9MTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0?feat=directlink (I got a better unpublished photo of it, from a less exciting date.)
27.05.2014 11:30 MSK
Mettal · Литва
Фото: 15064 · Локальный редактор
Цитата (bergenga, 27.05.2014):
> This is most likely AR 88904 (YV3R6G7193A006134), or AR 88905 (YV3R6G7103A006135)

None of them are registered in Lithuania. It was 100% painted red in Lithuania and surely paint in the bottom could be that worn out. There are 2 reasons: poor quality of paint (all suburban buses working in KKT system must be red) and poor roads (on route 27 there are many gravel roads).
27.05.2014 12:48 MSK
bergenga · Норвегия
Фото: 348
Okay, I stand corrected. I was unaware of the colour requirement, and it is almost exactly the same colour as BorgBuss had on the same type of bus. I guess I also got confused by the fact that it was repainted, but they hadn't taken off any part of the Nettbuss logo. I'll right away update the data, and some time in the near or far future I'll get around to upload that better photo of it too. :-)
27.05.2014 13:07 MSK
Vovcikans · Латвия
Фото: 1613
> BorgBuss

Он имеет отношение к Glommaringen? (http://fotobus.msk.ru/photo/827641/#824892)
27.05.2014 14:24 MSK
bergenga · Норвегия
Фото: 348
Yes, "Glommaringen" is a route concept that was operated by BorgBuss. The red one definitely looks like it could come from there. I don't know the old buses there very well, but it seems that there are as many as 12 red 8700LE on B7RLE that no longer have Norwegian number plates, built in 2004-2006.
Even if the blue colour on JE-1039 is very close to Nettbuss colour, it has never been in Norway, as the VIN has never been registered here. So I guess it was delivered new to Germany.
27.05.2014 20:58 MSK
Vovcikans · Латвия
Фото: 1613
Цитата (bergenga, 27.05.2014):
> Yes, "Glommaringen" is a route concept that was operated by BorgBuss.

Спасибо. Скоро они получат номера, тогда и будут извесны VIN.
Пока лишь могу сказать что у одного из них #165.
28.05.2014 10:26 MSK
bergenga · Норвегия
Фото: 348
#165 (#96165) = KH 45256, 2006, YV3R6K62671117128, P066124
There are two more from 2006: YV3R6K62471117063 and YV3R6K62271117126.
25.06.2014 23:49 MSK
Vovcikans · Латвия
Фото: 1613
Цитата (bergenga, 28.05.2014):
> YV3R6K62671117128

> YV3R6K62471117063

> YV3R6K62271117126

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