Republic of Korea, Daewoo BF105 # 31
  Republic of Korea Daewoo BF105 # 31 
Republic of Korea, Incheon, Incheon Driving School
In South Korea, city buses cannot be used more than 12 years. so every buses, over than 12 years from built, go to auto-junkyard or exported to foreign countries. some of them sold to Bus Driving School, used for driving exercise and examination. Driving School is the only place we can meet Old-type city buses in South Korea.

Συγγραφέας: Buskor · Republic of Korea           Ημερομηνία: 7 Νοέμβριος 2012 έτος, τετάρτη


Δημοσίευση 16.07.2014 13:09 MSK
Προβολές — 972


Ρυθμίσεις Κάμερας

Model:NIKON D70s
Date and Time:07.11.2012 11:06
Exposure Time:1/160 sec
Aperture Value:10
Focal Length:48 mm
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Σχόλιο · 7

16.07.2014 22:42 MSK
Павел 63 · Samara region
Φωτογραφίες: 2314
there in your country a museum urban transport or monument of the bus?
17.07.2014 04:50 MSK
Φωτογραφίες: 15522
Вызывает сомнение дата его постройки - 1995 год. Лет на 10 автор не ошибся ??? может быть все-таки 1985 ??? BF105 производились с 1981 года, а с 86-го на конвейер встала серия BS - самый популярный корейский автобус Daewoo BS106, который выпускается и по сей день !!!
17.07.2014 06:24 MSK
Дмитрий Николаев · Χαμπαρόφσκι пεριφέρεια
Φωτογραφίες: 3736
У меня тоже вызывает, но оказывается 105 выпускали как минимум и до 1997 года -!)
17.07.2014 10:31 MSK
Buskor · Republic of Korea
Φωτογραφίες: 298
Semen Semenych // Hi, thank you for offering comments.

2 door BF105 for citybus is built in 1989~1998.04.
(reference : South Korea Bus chronological period

BF105 was the last manufactured front-engine bus in South Korea, and BF105 is simple to drive or repair
, so BF105 is popular for driving practices.
Some driving schools still using this.

also, BS is first manufactured since 1986, but name of model was little bit different.

1986~1990, BS105 was manufactured,

BS105 was little bit shorter than BS106.

BS106 first manufactured in 1991.
, and DAEWOO BUS still manufacturing them currently, too.

Design of BS106 had changed like this :


the differences of BS106L and BS106 is 'height'

BS106L is low-floor model,
only operated in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do.

(Sometimes, very few of 'L' buses from Seoul sold to other provinces. but almost every 'L' models,
such as BS106L, Aerocity540SL, AM937L are from Seoul Citybuses. )

the middle door of BS106'L' bus is larger than common BS106 buses.
17.07.2014 11:00 MSK
sarman · Saratov region
Φωτογραφίες: 5738
а госномер ему не полагается?
17.07.2014 12:04 MSK
LAEN · Lvov region
Φωτογραφίες: 15631
Мордой напоминает А091)
17.07.2014 12:20 MSK
Nikolay_k · Όμπλαστ της Μόσχας
Φωτογραφίες: 710
Цитата (sarman, 17.07.2014):
> а госномер ему не полагается?
Он за пределы автошколы не выезжает.

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