Латвия, Neoplan P23 N3516Ü Trendliner Ü № 120
  ЛатвияNeoplan P23 N3516Ü Trendliner Ü № 120  —  маршрут 7840
Латвия, Valmiera, autoosta

Автор: Georg · Естонія           Дата: 3 жовтня 2009 р., субота

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Опубліковано 21.04.2010 18:22 MSK
Переглядів — 774

Детальна інформація

Параметры съёмки

Модель камеры:DSLR-A200
Время съёмки:03.10.2009 14:10
Выдержка:1/125 с
Диафрагменное число:11
Чувствительность ISO:200
Фокусное расстояние:24 мм
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Коментарі · 3

22.07.2012 22:18 MSK
Neons · Естонія
Фото: 5005
Travelled with that from Tartu to Riga. All I can say is that it was the worst trip of my life. :(
23.07.2012 03:40 MSK
Фото: 654
What exactly happened?
My negative experience with them is just that Ecolines on route is hoover :) taking passengers on every smallest stop, so journeys are long
23.07.2012 14:00 MSK
Neons · Естонія
Фото: 5005
Well, Trendliner is nice but not for international routes. Seats were hard as rock and uncomfortable, space between seats was also as small as it could be. Also it was very sensible to all the holes in the road, which made it even worse. I don't understand why they send Trendliner to Tartu and then Cityliners for routes inside Latvia. I also wrote to their Facebook, will see what they answer. On the road we also made a stop to let a boy out for peeing.

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