Мурманская область, Mercedes-Benz O405 № 75
  Мурманская область Mercedes-Benz O405 № 75 
Мурманская область, Мончегорск, улица Ферсмана

Автор: Сова · Мурманская область           Дата: 19 сентября 2010 г., воскресенье

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Опубликовано 21.09.2010 15:10 MSK
Просмотров — 351

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Комментарии · 1

29.09.2010 23:02 MSK
Stefan ·
Нет фотографий
Hello Sova,
there are a lot of busses running in your region, which come from Germany, Verkehrsgesellschaft Frankfurt am Main. Some of them I could already identify because of the old advertisings or the numbers above door or window. I would be very interested in identifying all of these busses. Could you please be so kind to tell me the VIN (vehicle identification number) or the old number, perhaps still standing inside on the front? Thank you very much and good luck when taking some more nice photos.
Greetings from Germany

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