Murmanszki terület, Mercedes-Benz O405 sz.: 77
  Murmanszki terület Mercedes-Benz O405 sz.: 77 
Murmanszki terület, Мончегорск, территория автоколонны № 1442

Készítette: Саша Данилов · Murmanszki terület           Dátum: 19 szeptember 2010, vasárnap


Publikálva 22.09.2010 14:24 MSK
Megtekintések — 327

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Copyright Information:COPYRIGHT, 2007
Date and Time:02.09.2010 00:33
Exposure Time:1/500 sec
Aperture Value:2.8
ISO Speed:80
Focal Length:6.3 mm
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Kommentek · 2

29.09.2010 22:43 MSK
Stefan ·
Nincsenek fotók
Hello Sasha,
there are a lot of busses running in your region, which come from Germany, Verkehrsgesellschaft Frankfurt am Main. Some of them I could already identify because of the old advertisings or the numbers above door or window. I would be very interested in identifying all of these busses. Could you please be so kind to tell me the VIN (vehicle identification number) or the old number, perhaps still standing inside on the front? Thank you very much and good luck when taking some more nice photos.
Greetings from Germany
29.09.2010 22:45 MSK
BOSS · Sztavropoli határterület
Fotók: 12477
Тем более, О405 хороши тем, что табличка отлично читается снаружи :)


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