Люксембург, MAN A23 NG313 № 90
  Люксембург Mercedes-Benz O305G № 46 
  Люксембург MAN A23 NG313 № 90 
Люксембург, Luxembourg-ville, AVL depot
...for sale.

Автор: Fons · Люксембург           Дата: 30 января 2012 г., понедельник

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Опубликовано 22.07.2012 20:27 MSK
Просмотров — 505

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Комментарии · 3

22.07.2012 21:49 MSK
Mettal · Литва
Фото: 15065 · Локальный редактор
Wasn't that 88 which was sold? http://fotobus.msk.ru/vehicle/209247/#n221443
23.07.2012 23:28 MSK
Fons · Люксембург
Фото: 1016
They were both sold by the same time. A couple of days ago, I updated the database...still pending, though.

I also added the VIN, we now only need someone who can verify it ;-)

I do have a screenshot of this bus with those wheel covers by the time it was for sale at:
24.07.2012 12:02 MSK
Mettal · Литва
Фото: 15065 · Локальный редактор
It is still pending because I am not sure who exactly is that one in Perm: 88 or 90. There are photos of 88 (or maybe 90?) already separated and of rear section already in Perm: http://fotobus.msk.ru/photo/664424/
Don't worry about other your corrections - I am adding them bit by bit :)

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