Литва, Scania CN112CLB № 070
  Литва Scania CN112CLB № 070  —  маршрут 49 (не в рейсе)
Литва, Vilnius, Fabijoniškės (st. Kaimelio žiedas)

Автор: Denis_Simonov · Литва           Дата: 28 октября 2008 г., вторник


Опубликовано 09.02.2009 10:47 MSK
Просмотров — 865

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Комментарии · 7

09.02.2009 13:06 MSK
Jarick · Швеция
Нет фотографий
Scania CN112CL
VIN: 1807594
Plate Number in Norway: JC93274
09.02.2009 16:40 MSK
Mettal · Литва
Фото: 15085 · Локальный редактор
Do you know what was previous operator and number of this bus?
09.02.2009 23:44 MSK
Jarick · Швеция
Нет фотографий
Vest Oppland Bilselskap 233
10.02.2009 20:47 MSK
Denis_Simonov · Литва
Фото: 1346
Jarick:Are you sure that this bus is CN112CL?
10.02.2009 21:43 MSK
Jarick · Швеция
Нет фотографий
Scania CN112CL manufactured between the years 1984-1988. This bus was built in 1987.
Scania CN113CLB built from September 1988 to 1999.
10.02.2009 23:00 MSK
Mettal · Литва
Фото: 15085 · Локальный редактор
It's very unusual to see bus with front like this called 112. Furtermore same name has these buses http://www.fotobus.msk.ru/vehicle.php?vid=74910 , http://www.fotobus.msk.ru/vehicle.php?vid=57746 but they are different than this one. Maybe there are some more details about this modification? As I can see, there is written "Scania 112" on the bus and I haven't spotted this before :D
10.02.2009 23:20 MSK
Jarick · Швеция
Нет фотографий
1984 was the front of buses
In the beginning of the Scania articulated buses and 1985 on the normal bus.
The difference informal Scania CN112CL and CN113CLB include steering wheel and dashboard.

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