Люксембург, Van Hool A120P № JL 6802
  Люксембург Van Hool A120P № JL 6802 
Люксембург, Luxembourg-ville, Val St André

Автор: marc_1604 · Люксембург           Дата: 5 мая 2013 г., воскресенье

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Опубликовано 20.09.2013 10:48 MSK
Просмотров — 599

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Комментарии · 6

20.09.2013 11:26 MSK
Mettal · Литва
Фото: 15031 · Локальный редактор
20.09.2013 15:32 MSK
JenCh012 · Люксембург
Фото: 3969
I'm not sure if this vehicle is really the former school bus from Roeser because I think I have already seen a picture of the Thomas et Piron vehicle on the net when the Roeser-Van Hool was standing in Wickrange on the former 'Rolinger'-territory.
20.09.2013 16:49 MSK
marc_1604 · Люксембург
Фото: 720
I'm also not shure.
It could also be this one http://fotobus.msk.ru/photo/735048/
I'm pretty shure it was an ex-schoolbus; there are some common items. One thing is rather sure; before the red Thomas+Prion colours the bus was painted in orange. The roof of the bus is still orange.
21.09.2013 10:40 MSK
JenCh012 · Люксембург
Фото: 3969
Now I'm sure that's former BU 555 because of a difference in the body between the front and the rear axle. Thank you marc_1604 for the information!
21.09.2013 12:09 MSK
Mettal · Литва
Фото: 15031 · Локальный редактор
Now there's only one thing unclear: who was it from 1984 to 1995?
21.09.2013 13:56 MSK
Fons · Люксембург
Фото: 1016
Must have been CFL but we don't know the running number.

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