FotobusBus Transport

Novosibirsk region, LAZ-699R # 8231

  Novosibirsk regionMKP PATP-88231ММ 661 5403.200604.2007
MUP PATP-104.200407.2005
А 813 НВ 5406.199501.2004

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  April 2007    Withdrawn

189 KB

Novosibirsk region, Новосибирск, Красный проспект
Route 105 метро "Заельцовская" — Красный Яр

Saturday, August 19, 2006
Author: gvp


  March 2006    Renumbered (within the company)

  July 2005    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  April 2004    Renumbered (within the company)

341 KB

Novosibirsk region, Новосибирск, площадь Калинина, конечная "Метро "Заельцовская"
Route 105 метро "Заельцовская" — Красный Яр (not on the route)

Monday, April 26, 2004
Author: Артюха

  January 2004    Change of state number (within the company)

  June 1995    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Scrp.
8231 К 115 АО 54 LiAZ-677M PATP-8 187842 1992
8231 6042 НБЦ LiAZ-677M PATP-8 187842 1992
1141 У 463 АУ 54 LiAZ-677M PATP-1 190126 1993
1141 6440 НБЦ LiAZ-677M PATP-1 190126 1993
8231 ММ 832 54 PAZ-3205 (00) PATU 7098 1997 2005
1141 МУ 305 54 MAZ-104.021 KTO 956 2005 09.2016