FotobusBus Transport

Novosibirsk region, LiAZ-677M # 7128

  Novosibirsk regionMUP PATP-771289557 НБН08.2000 


  August 2000    Renumbered (within the company)

  1985    Arrived at the facility

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# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
7128 А 670 НК 54 LiAZ-677M PATP-7 128784 1984
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7128 7178 НБЯ LiAZ-677M PATP-7 128784 1984
7128 Н 647 СХ 54 LiAZ-677M PATP-7 434 1985
7128 5100 НБЧ LiAZ-677M PATP-7 1990
7151 ММ 418 54 LAZ-695N PATP-7 175747 1998
7151 ММ 418 54 LAZ-695N PATS 175747 1998
7151 Х 437 АС 54 LAZ-695N PATP-7 175747 1998