FotobusBus Transport

Almaty, LAZ-695N # 1284

  AlmatyAutopark №5 LLP12849706 АТП1990позже № 2543

  Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  1990    Arrived at the facility

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# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
1284 1784 АТМ Ikarus 260.27 AP-5 76 1986 1280 — 1284 — 1424
1284 3312 АТН LiAZ-677M AP-5 189498 1993
1284 A 195 AZ MAN A60 SL232 AP-5 1996
1284 A 470 DV Daewoo BS090 Royal Midi (Busan) AP-4 2901 2006 Фото