FotobusBus Transport

Yaroslavl region, Ikarus 180 # 390

  Yaroslavl regionAO "PATP-1 c.Yaroslavl"390


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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
390 В 386 ЕЕ 76 LiAZ-677M YarPATP-1 187955 1992
390 4406 ЯРР LiAZ-677M YarPATP-1 187955 1992
390 Х 442 КО 76 LiAZ-6212.00 YarPATP-1 901 2007
390 ВЕ 807 76 LiAZ-6212.00 YarPATP-1 901 2007
390 Т 035 ХО 76 LiAZ-4292.60 (1-2-0) YarPATP-1 1763 2019