FotobusBus Transport

Hungary, Ikarus 211.01 # 05-63

  HungarySzegedi Közlekedési Kft.05-63BV 05-6319831985 
Other industrial companies 19821983Szegedi Magas- és Mélyépítő Vállalat

  1985    Withdrawn

  1983    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  1982    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
05-63 GA 05-63 Ikarus 60 BKV Zrt. 13 1952
05-63 BU 05-63 Ikarus 260.00 BKV Zrt. 2470 1979
05-63 GE 05-63 Ikarus 260.00 BKV Zrt. 2470 1979
05-63 BU 05-63 Ikarus 260.45 BKV Zrt. 1 1991
05-63 BPO-563 Ikarus 435.06 BKV Zrt. 79 1994