FotobusBus Transport

Novosibirsk region, Ikarus 260.37 # 4167

  Novosibirsk regionАвтоучасток №14167А 979 РУ 541999 
3429 НБР19861999


  1999    Change of state number (within the company)

  1986    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
4167 МУ 297 54 MARZ-52661 PATP-4 500332 2001
4167 ММ 484 54 MARZ-52661 PATP-4 500332 2001
4167 Н 499 ЕО 54 MARZ-52661 PATP-4 500332 2001
4167 МУ 525 54 MAZ-104.021 PATP-4 1094 2006