FotobusBus Transport

Samara region, Ikarus 260.50 # АВ 191 63

  Samara regionTPATP-3, SCАВ 191 6309.200309.2006
8821 КШШ199409.2003

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  September 2006    Withdrawn

228 KB

Samara region, Тольятти, улица Громовой
Route 40

Thursday, July 20, 2006
Author: Артем Веселов


  September 2003    Change of state number (within the company)

344 KB

Samara regionBus stations & terminal stops
Samara regionPhotos in the XX Century

Samara region, Тольятти, ДП "Восточная"
Route 50э

Saturday, April 8, 1995
Author: ikarusbus

334 KB

Samara region,  Ikarus 260.50  # 8819 КШШ   —  route 50э
Samara regionBus stations & terminal stops
Samara regionPhotos in the XX Century

Samara region, Тольятти, ДП "Есенина"
Route 50э

Saturday, April 8, 1995
Author: ikarusbus

  1994    Arrived at the facility

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