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Kamchatskiy kray, Daewoo BS106 Royal City (Busan) č. 3111 — linka 1 (not on the route) Kamchatskiy kray, Daewoo BS106 Royal City (Busan) č. 655 — linka 22 (not on the route) Kamchatskiy kray, Daewoo BS106 Royal City (Busan) č. 722 — linka 3 (not on the route) Kamchatskiy kray, Daewoo BS106 Royal City (Busan) č. 808 — linka 12 (not on the route) Kamchatskiy kray, Daewoo BH117H Royal Cruistar č. АВ 923 41 — linka 208 (not on the route) Kamchatskiy kray, Daewoo BH117H Royal Cruistar č. 656 — linka 1 (not on the route) Kamchatskiy kray, Daewoo BS106 Royal City (Busan) č. 3040 — linka 1 (not on the route) Kamchatskiy kray, Daewoo BS106 Royal City (Busan) č. 803 — linka 102 (not on the route) Kamchatskiy kray, Daewoo BS106 Royal City (Busan) č. 3106 — linka 6 (not on the route) Kamchatskiy kray, Daewoo BS106 Royal City (Busan) č. 516 — linka 6к Kamchatskiy kray, Daewoo BS106 Royal City (Busan) č. 540 — linka 5к (not on the route) Kamchatskiy kray — Miscellaneous photos
Kamchatskiy kray, Петропавловск-Камчатский, конечная станция "10-й км (автостанция)" Linka 21 (not on the route)
Pátek 24. února 2012 Autor: yR29ik
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