FotobusBus Transport

Krasnodar region, Nizhegorodets-222709 (Ford Transit) # К 006 ТМ 123

  Krasnodar regionSeversky region, other busesК 006 ТМ 12308.2023  
Commercial operators, Novorossiysk (municipal routes)У 970 ММ 12312.201908.2023 
  AdygheyaOOO "Marshrut-Servis"|OOO "ZET"О 393 ТО 0111.201912.2019 
У 757 УУ 0103.201311.2019Маршрут 183

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  August 2023    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

673 KB

Krasnodar region,  Sollers Bus B-BF (Ford Transit)  # В 538 УТ 95 
Krasnodar region,  Nizhegorodets-222702 (Ford Transit)  # С 426 МУ 123  —  route 27

Krasnodar region, Новороссийск, конечная "Шесхарис"
Route 11а

Saturday, August 19, 2023
Author: Александров Николай


  December 2019    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  November 2019    Change of state number (within the company)

348 KB

Krasnodar region, Краснодар, улица КИМ / Ставропольская улица
Route 183 Краснодар — Энем

Sunday, December 10, 2017
Author: Игорь Букатин

  March 2013    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
К 006 ТМ 123 Delta Star Seversk. reg.
У 970 ММ 123 Nizhegorodets-222701 (Ford Transit) Avtokomtrans 1757 2008 ИП Грицунов В.И.