FotobusBus Transport

Switzerland, MAN R12 Lion's Regio ÜL364 # 123

  SwitzerlandTransports publics de la Région Lausannoise (TL)123VD 6099172017

  2017    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
123 AG 213423 Hess BBA Aarau 1982
123 AG 18085 Ramseier & Jenzer RVBW Baden 1990
123 LU 15023 Hess CO-BOLT 2 VBL Luzern 1996
123 BE 560123 Mercedes-Benz O530 Citaro VB Biel/TPB Bienne 95907 2000
123 GE 960507 Mercedes-Benz O530G Citaro facelift G TPG Genève 114634 2008
123 BE 869123 Mercedes-Benz Citaro C2 hybrid Busland 139197 2020
123 SO 175128 MAN 12C Lion's City 12 E NL326 BOGG 2022