Bus Transport |
Ivanovo region, PAZ-320414-04 "Vektor" (1-2) # В 096 ОС 37
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↑ November 2022 Sent to other company (or to the factory)
↑ October 2021 Sent to other company (or to the factory)
Yaroslavl region, Ярославский район, Кормилицино, конечная остановка "Кормилицино" Route 105 Ярославль — Кормилицино
Wednesday, August 26, 2020 Author: Белов Александр
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Yaroslavl region, Автодорога М-8 "Холмогоры", Ярославский район Route 105 Ярославль — Кормилицино
Wednesday, May 6, 2020 Author: Scorched
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Yaroslavl region, Ярославль, Красная площадь Route 139 Заволжье — Ярославль Главный
Sunday, March 15, 2020 Author: Макс И
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↑ February 2020 Sent to other company (or to the factory)
↑ November 2019 Sent to other company (or to the factory)
↑ April 2018 Arrived at the facility
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