FotobusBus Transport

Almaty, Ikarus 256 # 1262

  AlmatyAutopark №5 LLP1262A 785 BC????1998
Autopark №7 LLP27180692 АТМ???? 
Autopark №5 LLP2532???? 
Autopark №6 LLP26761985 

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  1998    Withdrawn

  ????    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

111 KB

Almaty,  Neoplan N416SL II  # 2787   —  route 150

Almaty, Конечная "Железнодорожный вокзал "Алматы-1"
Route 150

Monday, September 23, 1996
Author: Maksimus

106 KB

Almaty,  Neoplan N416SL II  # 2787   —  route 150 (pause)

Almaty, Конечная "Железнодорожный вокзал "Алматы-1"
Route 150 (pause)

Monday, September 23, 1996
Author: Maksimus

218 KB

Almaty,  LAZ-697M  # М 4713 АТ   —  route 136

Almaty, Улица Северное кольцо
Route 150

Sunday, April 21, 1996
Author: Maksimus


  ????    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  ????    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  1985    Arrived at the facility

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2676 438 EY 02 Golden Dragon XML6125CN (Hyundai Trans Auto) AET 9097 2023
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