Saratov region, Ikarus 256.54 # АН 752 64
Region | Facility | Plate | Since... | To... | Remarks |
Saratov region | mezhgorodtrans | АН 752 64 | 03.2007 | 03.2020 | |
04.2006 | 03.2007 | ГУП СО "Межгородтранс" |
В 832 КМ 64 | 03.2002 | 04.2006 | ОГУП СПАТП "Межгородтранс" |
SPATP-4 | 1898 САР | 1986 | 03.2002 | 14532 |
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Saratov region, Саратовский район, Посёлок Хмелёвский Route 226
Saturday, August 10, 2019 Author: Тихий
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Saratov region, Саратов, проспект Энтузиастов, конечная станция "Стадион "Волга" Route 226 (not on the route)
Saturday, August 10, 2019 Author: Тихий
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Saratov region, Саратовский район, Посёлок Хмелёвский Route 226
Saturday, August 10, 2019 Author: Тихий
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Saratov region, Саратов, проспект Энтузиастов, конечная станция "Стадион "Волга" Route 226
Sunday, July 22, 2018 Author: Serj
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↑ March 2007 Renumbered (within the company)
↑ April 2006 Change of state number (within the company)
↑ March 2002 Sent to other company (or to the factory)
↑ 1986 Arrived at the facility
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