FotobusBus Transport

Hesse, MAN A23 NG313 # GI-E 570

  HesseErletz Reisen GmbH GI-E 570201606.2019
MIT.BUS GmbH54GI-SW 55410.20032016
Stadtwerke Gießen AG06.200210.2013

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370 KB

Hesse, Marburg, Hauptbahnhof
Route SEV Gießen — Marburg

October 2016
Author: beffan


  2016    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

444 KB

Hesse, Gießen, Liebigstraße

September 2013
Author: beffan

377 KB

Hesse, Gießen, Berliner Platz
Route 2

September 2009
Author: beffan


  October 2013 — October 2003    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  June 2002    Arrived at the facility

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