FotobusBus Transport

Novgorod region, LAZ-42021 # 161

  Novgorod regionJSC "MPATP-1"/JSC "Gorodskoe PATP"161Н 058 КК 53

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
161 АВ 760 53 Ikarus 280.33 Autobusniy_park 1985
161 А 702 АК 53 Ikarus 280.33 Autobusniy_park 1985
161 6585 НОЛ Ikarus 280.33 Autobusniy_park 1985
161 АЕ 549 53 LiAZ-6213.21 Autobusniy_park 953 2013