FotobusBus Transport

Novgorod region, Ikarus 280.33 # 150

  Novgorod regionJSC "Autobusniy park"1504065 НОЛ1984

  1984    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
150 АВ 516 53 PAZ-3205 (00) MalPATP 1192 1993
150 Н 063 КТ 53 PAZ-3205 (00) MPATP-1/GorPATP 1192 1993 Малая Вишера
150 АС 835 53 LiAZ-6212.00 Autobusniy_park 1290 2009
150 Е 027 КК 53 PAZ-320412-05 MPATP-1/GorPATP 948 2013
150 Е 169 АМ 53 PAZ-320412-05 MPATP-1/GorPATP 948 2013