FotobusBus Transport

Tula region, Renault PR180HPU02A1 # 111

  Tula regionOOO "Tulapassazhirtrans"111В 313 ТВ 71200408.2007
MKP "Tulgorelectrotrans"11.20012004
  FranceTransdev Saint-Étienne (STAS)1031710 SS 4205.198301.2000

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  August 2007    Withdrawn

  2004    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

183 KB

Tula region, Тула, Пролетарская улица
Route 10т

Бывший бортовой номер в Saint Etienne (France) - 101.

Thursday, February 28, 2002
Author: Wsegda


  January 2000 — November 2001    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  May 1983    Arrived at the facility

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