FotobusBus Transport

Brandenburg, Mercedes-Benz O530Ü Citaro Ü # 543

  BrandenburgVerkehrsbetriebe Brandenburg an der Havel GmbH543BRB-VK 14311.2014

  November 2014    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
543 BRB-VK 75 Ikarus 280.02 VBBr 633 1981
543 PY 72-68 Ikarus 280.02 VBBr 633 1981 VEB Kraftverkehr Brandenburg
543 P-AV 543 Ikarus 260.43 Havelbus 1736 07.1987
543 FF-O 543 MAN A23 Lion's City G NG313 CNG SVF Frankfurt 3951 2014