FotobusBus Transport

Saint Petersburg, Ikarus 250.59 # 0456

  Saint Petersburg"Nord West Bus Express", CJSC0456

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
0456 0456 ЛОО Ikarus 280.33 PetrAP (closed) 751 1988
0456 Н 029 ВК 98 GAZ-3261 (X89-BA8) Piteravto SPb 38 2000
0456 АЕ 685 78 GAZ-3261 (X89-BA8) Piteravto SPb 38 2000
0456 Р 625 ХВ 78 GAZ-3261 (X89-BA8) Piteravto SPb 38 2000