FotobusBus Transport

Norway, Carrus Fifty # 8207

  NorwayTide Buss AS8207SR 7290910.200603.2011
Haugaland Billag AS20706.200410.2006
Gaia Trafikk AS233908.199806.2004
Pan Trafikk AS33911.199508.1998

  March 2011    Withdrawn

  October 2006    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  June 2004    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  August 1998    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  November 1995    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
207 VD 36085 Berg Trondheim Trafikk 04.1964
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207 XD 47920 Berg Fylkesbilene i N-T 674 05.1981
207 SP 93636 Ajokki Classic HSD Buss 146 1986
339 TV 54621 Arna Firda Billag 3957 1992
207 DJ 50207 Carrus Star 302 Norgesbuss 148913 1998
339 YK 11175 Scania CN113CLB Saltens Bilruter 2546 1998
207 PP 32738 Vest V25 Bussen Trafikk 2426 2000
8207 BR 97795 Mercedes-Benz O530LEMÜ Citaro facelift LE MÜ Norgesbuss 120405 2010