FotobusBus Transport

Voronezh region, GAZ-A64R42 Next # 02765

  Voronezh regionLLC TC "Autoline+"02765М 761 МА 13608.2024 46
LLC "ATP-1"0574711.202108.202437 (20 по 31.05.2022)
  Saratov regionDanilova A.A. А 067 ХК 16408.2019 Банк "Открытие"
Malyshev A.V. 04.201908.2019ех 25

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  August 2024    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

570 KB

Voronezh region,  GAZ-A68R52 City  # 05771   —  route 37 (not on the route)
Voronezh region,  Luidor-2250DS (GAZ Next)  # 02836   —  route 88А (not on the route)
Voronezh region,  GAZ-A64R42 Next  # 05811  —  route 50 (not on the route)

Voronezh region, Воронеж, улица Любы Шевцовой, конечная "улица Перхоровича"
Route 37 (not on the route)

Sunday, August 14, 2022
Author: Kto to 0_o


  November 2021    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

579 KB

Saratov region, Саратов, проспект 50 лет Октября
Route 89

Monday, September 27, 2021
Author: Умный User


  August 2019    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  April 2019    Arrived at the facility

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