FotobusBus Transport

Saint Petersburg, MAZ-103.040 # 510

  Saint PetersburgMotor depot of Pulkovo airport510В 561 ОР 7808.200006.2011

  June 2011    Withdrawn

  August 2000    Arrived at the facility

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# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
510 07-81 ЛОЦ ZiL-158 Motor depot of GET 1970
510 7488 ЛЕТ Ikarus 280.33 KAP 1984
510 В 448 СМ 178 Neoplan N116 Cityliner Ecolines (Amron) 19916 1993
510 В 715 ОС 178 PAZ-320412-04 SNW 500 2013