FotobusBus Transport

Yaroslavl region, LiAZ-677 # 535

  Yaroslavl regionAO "PATP-1 c.Yaroslavl"53573-41 ЯРП


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# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
535 АЕ 247 76 MAZ-104.031 (81 TsIB) YarPATP-1 37 2000
535 Т 065 ЕЕ 76 MAZ-104.031 (81 TsIB) YarPATP-1 37 2000
535 С 721 РН 76 LiAZ-5256.53 YarPATP-1 24075 2011 Заказной.
535 Т 854 ВО 76 PAZ-320402-05 Shest.f-l YarATP (Myshkin) 1327 2011
535 Т 854 ВО 76 PAZ-320402-05 Shest.f-l YarATP 1327 2011