FotobusBus Transport

Schleswig-Holstein, Setra S415HDH # SL-EB 208

  Schleswig-HolsteinOmnibusbetrieb Erland Bock e.K., Inhaber Kaj Bock ✝︎SL-EB 20820082012
Omnibusbetrieb Gorzelniaski GmbHFL-AG 41520022008

  2008    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  2002    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
SL-EB 208 Setra S315GT-HD Erland Bock ✝︎ 1021 2000
SL-EB 208 Setra S415HDH Erland Bock ✝︎ 345 2004
FL-AG 415 Setra S415GT-HD [VHN] Gorzelniaski 111370 2011