FotobusBus Transport

Estonia, Aabenraa M75 # 319

  EstoniaSEBE AS (Tartu department)319565 AJK08.199911.2002 
GoBus AS (Tartu osakond)98701.199708.1999 
  DenmarkOdense Taxas Busser268HJ 97 48608.199201.1997 
Hjallese Minibus & Odense and Middelfart Coach 06.199108.1992 
Syddanmark, прочие 09.199006.1991P. Kongegaard (Odense)
Thinggaard, Nørresundby18111.198009.1990 

  November 2002    Withdrawn

  August 1999    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  January 1997    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  August 1992    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  June 1991    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  September 1990    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  November 1980    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Scrp. Remarks
268 LM 90 634 Aabenraa M85 AOS 1876 1988
319 436 AGZ Ikarus 260.51 Harjumaa Liinid 339 1989
319 0380 ЕАС Ikarus 260.51 Harjumaa Liinid 339 1989
268 MR 93 469 DAB DSB 37265 1991 2010
268 MS 96 428 Aabenraa M89 Thinggaard 2160 1992 2010
268 OD 93 337 Mercedes-Benz O405N2 DitoBus 82260 1996
268 OD 93 337 Mercedes-Benz O405N2 Ditos Turistfart 82260 1996
319 574 DC Hess City APM 5.2-13 (BaltScan) TLT Lasnamäe 155 2001 Прицеп автобуса 3046
268 RT 96 584 Scania OmniLine I Wulff Bus 45222 2001
181 XK 94 672 Solaris Urbino III 12 Busselskabet 7555 2009
181 AA 73 534 Neoplan P16 N1218HDL Cityliner HDL Abildskou 245 2013
181 BS 93 684 IVECO Crossway LINE 12M Brande Buslinier 31194 2017
319 376 CHB Feniksbus FBI II 83M-G SEBE Tallinn 2022