FotobusBus Transport

Romania, Škoda 706 RTO LUX # 802

  RomaniaSTB - general802


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# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
802 Roman 112 U / DAC 112 UD STB (general) 1978
802 B 07 HBA Castrosua CS.40 STB (Pipera) 1995
802 SB 64 TSB MAN A11 NG272 Tursib 1045 1995
802 IS 09 ETY Den Oudsten Alliance City B96 Unistil 11126 1996
802 IS 017497 Den Oudsten Alliance City B96 Unistil 11126 1996
802 SB 19 TSB MAN R12 Lion's Regio ÜL314 Tursib 223 2007
802 CJ 16 JAP Solaris Urbino III 18 CTP Cluj-Napoca 14268 2014
802 CJ 014510 Solaris Urbino III 18 CTP Cluj-Napoca 14268 2014
802 BV 18 FIJ Menarinibus Citymood 18 RATBV (Hărmanului) 30330 2019