FotobusBus Transport

Norway, Scania CN112CLB # 921

  NorwayNorgesbuss AS921AR 5304106.199106.2008
Moss og Omland Bilruter A/S3403.198806.1991

  June 2008    Withdrawn

  June 1991    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  March 1988    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
34 U-4734 Viggaklev TOB 1958
921 DB 70811 MAN 192 SL200 Oslo Sporveier 568 1975
34 KB 10306 Arna M77 Hallingdal Billag 2259 1981
34 AD 63756 Säffle S.S.V. Bilselskap 6289 1988
34 AD 63756 Säffle Østfold Bilruter 6289 1988
34 SR 45626 Arna M91BF Hamar og Omland Bilr 3876 1992
921 PC 71343 Vest Liner 320 ATS 1418 1992
921 PC 71343 Vest Liner 320 Nettbuss Sør 1418 1992
34 PP 12 097 DAB Sørlandsruta 33039 1995
921 SR 78921 Arna M91BF Oslo Sporveier 4325 1996
921 SR 78921 Arna M91BF Sporveisbussene 4325 1996
34 VF 68451 MAN R08 Lion's Top Coach RHC464 Turbuss Vest 33 2003
34 KH 74639 Setra S416GT-HD/3 107961 2011
34 ZZ 13248 MAN R08 Lion's Coach L RHC484 L Hordaland, others 1926 2012 Turbuss Vest Fjell
34 GA 11479 Forveda Robert Ponton 2017 Go'e Bussa AS