FotobusBus Transport

Moscow, LiAZ-5256.33-01 (GolAZ) # Н 199 ХУ 777

  MoscowIP Guseynov K.M. Н 199 ХУ 77706.2017  
 У 460 АК 75020172017 
OOO "Avto-City" 201606.2017 
IvRoSe Ltd. 20152016 
  Moscow regionSerpukhov, other buses 2014 развозка "Wintech"
Avtotransservis-2,3 (Serpukhov)203ВТ 479 5001.20102014АТС-2
MAP-5 Avtokolonna #1790 Serpukhov01.200901.2010 
Avtotransservis-2,3 (Serpukhov)200701.2009АТС-2

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Technical photos (0): hide / show

  2017 — June 2017    Change of state number (within the company)

  June 2017 — 2017    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  2016    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  2015    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  2014    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

341 KB

Moscow region, Серпухов, вокзал
Route 43

Saturday, June 7, 2014
Author: Alex25

342 KB

Moscow region, Серпухов, улица Ворошилова
Route 43

Saturday, May 24, 2014
Author: Alex25

335 KB

Moscow region, Серпухов, Советская улица

Thursday, October 31, 2013
Author: Alex25

180 KB

Moscow region, Серпухов, Борисовское шоссе
Route 38

Monday, August 2, 2010
Author: Prosek

210 KB

Moscow region, Серпухов, вокзал
Route 38

Monday, August 2, 2010
Author: A G

210 KB

Moscow region, Серпухов, вокзал
Route 38

Monday, August 2, 2010
Author: A G

192 KB

Moscow region, Серпухов, вокзал
Route 144

Серпухов - Кремёнки

Saturday, January 2, 2010
Author: A G

  January 2010    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

207 KB

Moscow, Варшавское шоссе
Route 363

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Author: Александр Сологубов


  January 2009    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

100 KB

Moscow, Варшавское шоссе
Route 359

Monday, April 30, 2007
Author: Alwar


  2007    Arrived at the facility

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203 М 033 МА 90 Mercedes-Benz O405 KorPATP 52113 1987
203 ВК 053 50 LiAZ-677M AK 1790 175966 1990
203 О 311 МХ 50 LiAZ-677M AK 1790 175966 1990
203 9613 МЕЦ LiAZ-677M AK 1790 175966 1990
203 А 581 МТ 50 LAZ-695N MAP-2 Serebryaniye prudy 175066 1998
203 ВМ 796 50 Samotlor-NN-323760 (MB Sprinter 413CDI) PPPATP 678 2006
203 ВХ 563 50 Mercedes-Benz O345 Conecto H BrPATP 243544 2007
203 ЕН 600 50 Hyundai Universe Space Luxury ChPATP 906346 2011
203 ЕР 143 50 GolAZ-622810-10 AK 1790 105 2013 2023