FotobusBus Transport

Moscow region, MAZ-203.016 # Т 807 АН 550

  Moscow regionDomodedovskoe PATPТ 807 АН 55003.2024  
Н 847 ЕН 15909.202303.2024 
Rand Trans Vidnoe, Domodedovo02.202208.2023ООО "Альфа Грант", Домодедово
  Perm regionOOO "Avtomig"08.202002.2022Маршрут 20
С 822 ЕХ 79005.202008.2020Маршруты 15, 20, 60, 64, 80

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Conditional photos (1): hide / show
Technical photos (0): hide / show

619 KB

Moscow region,  Lotos-105C02  # Р 839 МХ 790  —  route 32 (pause)
Moscow region,  LiAZ-5292.65  # К 297 ОН 790  —  route 31 (pause)

Moscow region, Домодедово, автовокзал
Route 55 (pause)

Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Author: A G


  March 2024    Change of state number (within the company)

517 KB

Moscow region,  Luidor-223237 (MB Sprinter Classic)  # А 279 УВ 777   —  route 508 о/к "Бор" — Москва (м. Домодедовская) (not on the route)

Moscow region, Домодедово, автовокзал
Route 55 (not on the route)

Friday, January 26, 2024
Author: A G

532 KB

Moscow region,  LiAZ-5292.60  # КВ 800 50  —  route 1 (not on the route)
Moscow region,  LiAZ-4292.60 (1-2-1)  # Р 611 ОА 790  —  route 1 (not on the route)

Moscow region, Домодедово, автовокзал
Route 55 (not on the route)

Friday, December 22, 2023
Author: A G

542 KB

Moscow region, Домодедово, Советская улица
Route 55

Monday, December 4, 2023
Author: A G


  August 2023 — September 2023    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

441 KB

Moscow region, Ленинский городской округ, Совхоз имени Ленина, Каширское шоссе
Route 496 ст. Домодедово — Москва (м. Домодедовская)

Friday, February 25, 2022
Author: A G


  February 2022    Renumbered (within the company)

653 KB

Perm region, Пермь, улица Попова
Route 20

Monday, August 31, 2020
Author: Владимир Зыкин

  August 2020    Change of state number (within the company)

528 KB

Perm region, Пермь, улица Спешилова
Route 15

Monday, June 22, 2020
Author: Владимир Зыкин

482 KB

Perm region, Пермь, улица Мира
Route 80

Thursday, June 4, 2020
Author: Sonderfahrt


  May 2020    Arrived at the facility

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