FotobusBus Transport

Denmark, Setra S315GT-HD # Inge

  DenmarkSjælland, others busesIngeVY 91 10504.2008 Alsted Turistfart v/Knud Rosenstrøm Andersen (Sorø)
Bjørn Klamer A/S (Lynge) RU 95 29204.200104.2008 

  April 2008    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  April 2001    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
Inge PR 92 111 DAB Aakirkeby Turistfart 32233 1975
Inge BN 99 227 DAB Aakirkeby Turistfart 32233 1975
Inge AX 99 960 DAB Aakirkeby Turistfart 32233 1975
Inge EC 98 107 DAB Aakirkeby Turistfart 32233 1975
Inge NY 93 879 DAB Aakirkeby Turistfart 32233 1975
Inge PC 89 853 DAB Aakirkeby Turistfart 32233 1975
Inge RM 95 019 Setra S215HD Sjælland, others 34031 1989 Alsted Turistfart v/Knud Rosenstrøm Andersen (Sorø)