FotobusBus Transport

Nizhegorodskaya region, LiAZ-677M # 11

  Nizhegorodskaya regionUpravlenie Avtomobilnogo Transporta113716 ГОО

  Sent to other company (or to the factory)

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
11 27-37 ГОМ ZiL-158V UAT Синий
11 21-51 ГВР LiAZ-677M UMiAT №1 105212 1982
11 3716 ГОО LiAZ-677M GorAT 1985
11 АТ 808 52 PAZ-32054 Kstovo PAP 425 2003
11 АМ 721 52 PAZ-32054 Kstovo PAP 425 2003
11 АО 159 52 PAZ-32054 Kstovo PAP 425 2003
611 3716 ГОО LiAZ-677M GorAT 1985