FotobusBus Transport

Poland, MAN A10 NL222 # 91

  PolandMiejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjne w Częstochowie sp. z o.o.91SC 0499520002021

  2021    Withdrawn

  2000    Arrived at the facility

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# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
91 WWL 90626 Karosa C956.1074 Axer 12M Stalko 11257 2006
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91 SG 8512F Solaris Urbino III 18 PKM Gliwice 9008 2010
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91 WPI NK68 Setra S416GT-HD/2 Raf Trans 113008 04.2012
91 K9 FLIX1 Setra S519HD INTER 127131 2019 Operating for FlixBus
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