FotobusBus Transport

Hungary, ÁMG 403 # 30-14

  HungaryBudapesti Közlekedési Zrt.30-14XA 30-14196111.1964
00-14XA 00-1419581961
 P 1408.19551958

  November 1964    Withdrawn

  1961    Renumbered (within the company)

  1958    Renumbered (within the company)

  August 1955    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
00-14 GA 00-14 Ikarus 30 BKV Zrt. 43163 1954
00-14 GA 00-14 Ikarus 30 SzKT Kft. 43163 1954
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00-14 GE 00-14 Ikarus 260.00 BKV Zrt. 2520 1976
30-14 GF 30-14 Ikarus 260.03 MVK Zrt. 2093 1979
00-14 BX 00-14 Ikarus 280.15 SzKT Kft. 3075 1985
00-14 BPO-014 Ikarus 280.49 BKV Zrt. 884 1986