FotobusBus Transport

Denmark, Lahti Scala # 83

  DenmarkUmove A/S83CT 81 42206.2020 
  SwedenTruxco AB (Dalby) BOX 11206.202006.2020
Peter Gadd Buss ABVi506.200906.2020
Visby Tunga Fordon AB 05.200906.2009
Scania Sverige Aktiebolag 02.200905.2009

  June 2020    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  June 2020    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  June 2009    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  May 2009    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  February 2009    Arrived at the facility

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83 K 8083 DAB Københavns Sporveje 1938
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83 SU 94 751 Bova Futura FHD 12.430 Vagns Turist 6525 1996
83 XE 97 374 DAB 12-1200B DBB Esbjerg 36334 1997
83 AK 69 821 Säffle 8500 Midtbus Jylland S020092 2002
83 AY 71 823 IVECO Daily Vejle Turisttrafik 696459 2010
83 AR 79 660 IVECO Crossway LE 12M Hjørring Citybus 21377 2014
83 AL 23 956 Setra S431DT Larsenbus 116447 2014
83 CK 84 369 Setra S531DT Larsenbus 126793 2019
83 CU 38 211 Irisbus Crossway LE 12M Fårup Turistbusser 44520 2020