FotobusBus Transport

Ternopol region, Mercedes-Benz Sprinter W903 313CDI # BO 3365 EB

  Ternopol regionNo busesBO 3365 EB12.2021 
BO 0877 BH09.2015 
  Kirovograd regionGaiyvoron, otherBA 0660 AT≈ 201009.2015

  December 2021    Change of state number (within the company)

  September 2015    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  about 2010    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
BA 0660 AT Mercedes-Benz Sprinter W906 313CDI Gaiyvoron, other 175530 03.2007 ФОП Гончарук Віктор Станіславович
BA 0660 AT Kapena Tema Gaiyvoron, other 79-1003 10.2011 ФОП Гончарук Віктор Станіславович