FotobusBus Transport

Czech Republic, SOR NB 12 # 4017

  Czech RepublicGaráže Řepy40178AF 739207.2020

  July 2020    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
4017 AH 78-58 Ikarus 280.08 DPP Klíčov 1977
4017 AH 78-58 Ikarus 280.08 DPP Vršovice 1977
4017 AR 59-18 Ikarus 280.08A DPP Kačerov 3717 1989
4017 5AN 4605 Karosa B951.1713 DPP Klíčov 5995 2002
4017 1A9 9773 Karosa B951.1713 DPP Klíčov 5995 2002