FotobusBus Transport

Astrakhan region, GAZ-322120 (X96) # АО 348 30

  Astrakhan regionPrivate carrier c.Astrakhan АО 348 3010.2019 ИП Иванов А.Н.
Other В 939 МР 3009.201810.2019 
Service buses Krasnoyarsky district АК 333 3009.201709.2018ИП Сундетов А.А.
 10.201609.2017ИП Кадырбердиев А.З.
 К 707 ЕХ 3008.201510.2016
Service buses Privolzhsky district У 525 РН 2603.201508.2015ИП Шабоян В.Г.
  Stavropol regionAutokolonna 15641207.201103.2015 

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  October 2019    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  September 2018    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  September 2017    Renumbered (within the company)

  October 2016    Change of state number (within the company)

  August 2015    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  March 2015    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

301 KB

Stavropol region, Невинномысск, бульвар Мира
Route 515 Пятигорск — Ставрополь

Sunday, April 28, 2013
Author: Артем1

  July 2011    Arrived at the facility

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# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
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12 0102 ССЛ Ikarus 256.54 AK 1564 1982
12 4299 ССЛ LiAZ-677M SPATP-1 120068 1983
12 9625 ССУ LiAZ-677M SPATP-1 177662 1989
12 У 777 ХС 26 Neoplan N122/3L Skyliner Stav.Evrotrans 29156 2000
12 А 291 ОА 126 MAZ-103.465 Kraytrans 3565 2008 Не эксплуатировался
12 СМ 077 26 MAZ-103.465 MUAP Stav. 3565 2008
12 А 291 ОА 126 MAZ-103.465 Kraytrans 3565 2008
12 А 291 ОА 126 MAZ-103.465 AutoAlliance 3565 2008
12 Н 569 ЕВ 126 Lotos-105C02 Kraytrans 444 2023
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АК 333 30 GAZ-322120 (X96) Service Kras. 781708 2014 ИП Сундетов А.А.
АК 333 30 GAZ-322120 (X96) OOO Grand-Avto 791457 2015 ИП Ильясова С.А.