FotobusBus Transport

Denmark, DAB # 2050

  DenmarkHUR Trafik (HT)2050AX 91 64119741984

  1984    Withdrawn

  1974    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  October 1970    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Scrp.
1050 HB 95 228 DAB HT 31050 1979 1993
1050 SJ 92 752 DAB Citybus 15-1200C Wulff Bus 39603 1993 2012
1050 NR 96 344 Aabenraa M93 GoCollective 2326 1994 2012
2050 OU 92 271 Aabenraa System 2000NL Bus Danmark 2675 1997
2050 OU 92 271 Aabenraa System 2000NL GoCollective 2675 1997
2050 PE 96 692 Mercedes-Benz O550 Integro Connex Danmark 500408 1998
2050 PE 96 692 Mercedes-Benz O550 Integro Linjebus Danmark 500408 1998
1050 XN 90 801 Säffle 8500LE GoCollective S090142 2009