FotobusBus Transport

Leningrad region, LAZ-695N # 586

  Leningrad regionAutobus park № 3, Kirovsk branch5866785 ЛОМ02.199202.1994 
  Saint PetersburgAutobus park № 366-28 ЛОШ06.198301.198501.09.1983-21.12.1983 г. — Колпинский филиал

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  February 1994    Withdrawn

  February 1992    Renumbered (within the company)

340 KB

Leningrad region, Кировск, Краснофлотская улица

Saturday, October 1, 1988
Author: Александр Стаканов


  March 1987    Renumbered (within the company)

  January 1985    Renumbered (within the company)

  June 1983    Renumbered (within the company)

332 KB

Saint Petersburg,  LAZ-695N  # 1429   —  route 52 (not on the route)
Saint PetersburgOld photos
Saint PetersburgBus stations

Saint Petersburg, Автобусная станция "Улица Грибакиных"
Route 11 (not on the route)

February 1980
Author: makvn

  October 1979    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
521 8185 ЛОТ Karosa C734 Pulkovo
521 5472 ЛЕФ LAZ-695N PushkinAP (closed) 1979
521 В 699 РМ 78 Ikarus 280.33 AP № 3 2698 1987
521 0347 ЛЕТ Ikarus 280.33 AP № 3 2698 1987
521 АК 339 47 LiAZ-677M SMUP Sosnovij Bor 1992
521 9766 ЛОФ LiAZ-677M SMUP Sosnovij Bor 1992
3244 3244 ЛОО LiAZ-677MB AP № 3 191482 1993
521 В 625 ХХ 98 Neoplan N116H Cityliner Ecolines (Amron) 22037 1994
3244 АН 614 78 LiAZ-5256.25 Piteravto SPb 15471 2006 ООО "Питеравто", Колпино
3244 В 325 СК 178 LiAZ-5256.25 Piteravto, non-route 15471 2006 Хрустальная
3244 АН 614 78 LiAZ-5256.25 Piteravto, non-route 15471 2006 Хрустальная