FotobusBus Transport

Kemerovo region - Kuzbass, LiAZ-677M # 79

  Kemerovo region - KuzbassGuryevskaya a/k79АВ 391 4201.200727552
Belovskoe GPATP АА 186 4203.2003 
Bachatskoe GPATP (Closed in 2007) 5950 КЕП06.1991 

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Kemerovo region - Kuzbass, Бачатский
Route 6

Monday, July 30, 2007
Author: Илья Плеханов

  January 2007    Change of state number (within the company)

  March 2003    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  June 1991    Arrived at the facility

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